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Never ltd 2011 Collection

Never ltd clothing - Vice & Virtue
2011 Collection
Vice & Virtue is first collection of t-shirts to come from my new label 'Never ltd'.
It is a series of fourteen consisting of typographic responses to the seven deadly sins and the seven catholic virtues. All have been designed and printed in my studio.
Lust + Chastity
Temperance + Gluttony
Charity + Greed
Diligence + Sloth
Envy + Kindness
Patience + Wrath
Pride + Humility
LUST,n. (MEluste; AS.Lust, lust,desire, pleasure.)

Lust tends to be complicated, or leads to complicated situations.. it is never justone line.. it gets messy…
 Chas’ti•ty,n. (ME.Chastite, Chastete; OFr.Chastete, chasteit; L.chastitas (-atis), fromCastus, Chaste,Pure.)
There are many examples of chastity devices through history. All of which have the common idea of some kind of restraint, and so here chastity has been tied down and restrained with strands of thread.
Glut’tõn•y,n. (ME.Glotonie; OFr.Glotonie,  from  gloton, aglutton.)

The over consumption of gluttony, letters like pieces of food stuffed in until there is no more room. 
Tem’pêr•ânce,n. (Fr.,from L. temperantia, moderation)
Temperance is moderation and self-restraint, restraining the Temper with balance.
Greed,n. (Back-formation,from greedy.)
You don’t have to look far to find greed now days… gold, bold and self consumed.
Char’i•ty,n. (OFr. Charite, fromL. Caritas (-atis),dearness, affection, high regard, from charus, dear)
Looking back in history, the swinging sixties was where charity became part of the popular consciousness so the swinging sixties was present in this design.
Sloth,n. (ASslæwth,from slaw, slow)
Another dictionary described sloth as ‘not reaching ones potential.’ Anything less than your best isn’t enough and so for this the designing was done as soon as the word was written.
dil’i•gence,n. (ME.Diligence; OFr.,diligence; L.diligentia, carefulness,diligence, from diligens, careful, diligent, ppr. Of diligere,  to choose apart,  esteem highly, select; dis apart, and legere, to choose.)
Calligraphy is a practiced art, it takes diligence like a good solider and a strength that comes with being diligent.
Wräth,(räth orrath), n. (ME. Wraththe, wratthe, from AS, wrath, wroth.)
Rage and revenge become the self-piercing blades of wrath which always wind up hurting more than the intended.
Pã’tience(-shens), I n. (Fr.,from L. Patientia,from Pali,to suffer.)
Have you ever been told you need to have ‘a little patience’? Or do you wish someone else would? Or are you just amazed at someone’s ability to wait or endure without complaint? Lets face it, we could all do with a little patience.
En’vy,v.i.; envied,pt., pp.: envying,ppr. (ME.Envienl OFr.Envier, toenvy.)

The green-eyed monster is a hollow feeling and leaves you alone.
Kind’ness,n. (ME.Kyndeness.1.  The state, quality, or habit if being kind
2.  Kind act or treatment
There is something lovely, warm and hopeful about kindness. Trying to find the community feeling that can tie us all together.
Pride,n. (AS.Pryte, frompryt. Proud.)

Everyone knows there is no I in team, but there is one in the centre of PrIde but do you recognise the font? If there was a typeface that embodied pride it would be Helvetica. What other font has a website, a film and a fan site?
hû•mil’i•ty,n.; pl. hû•mil’i•ties,(OFr. Humilitie;L. humilitas(atis), lowness, meanness baseness, from humilis, lowly, humble.)

H I L M T U Y the letters that spell Humility, all standing in there place reserved from the others around them.
Never ltd 2011 Collection

Never ltd 2011 Collection

Never ltd 2011 Catalogue Spreads The first range of shirts is a series of 14, all of which are a typographic response based off of the seven dead Read More
